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Blower Door Test

Your House Might Look Great, But How Does it Perform?

When we think of building or purchasing a home, curb appeal seems to get top billing with performance coming in at a not so close second.

Well, at least that's the way things used to be.  Now, building codes are becoming more stringent requiring builders to meet specific performance standards.  Following suit is the mortgage and real estate industry.

If you've looked at the MLS listings lately, you'll notice there's a new kid in town with regard to comp's.  More and more regions are referencing the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index as means to compare a home's performance much like they do with selling prices.

The more we see the HERS Indexes on the MLS, the more prospective buyers will request the score.  So, why wait?  If you are a developer, re-modeler, or property owner you're going to want to have your home(s) rated by a Certified HERS Rater.  Lucky for you, that's exactly what we do! 

It's quick, it's easy and we'll show you how it can yield a return on investment no matter how your home scores.

For more info. fill out this simple form!

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